Saturday, November 20, 2010

How do I change rotors on my 2000 mustang?

I am in the middle of my brake and rotor replacement project and I am stuck - literally! I got the calipers off and I know that you turn those bolts to the right (despite the righty tighty lefty loosy rule). When I take the bolts out to remove the rotors, do I turn the bolt to the right or left? My brakes were GONE so the bolts are pretty much burnt into place with brake dust and I want to be sure I'm turning them the right way. It took me 20 minutes and a whole lot of elbow grease just to get my calipers off! I don't want to strip my bolts and end up having to drill them out.

-Oh, and yeah I am a girl who LOVES cars. I'm trying to do this myself. I want to do this without having to call my dad for help. I have something to prove. I want to go to the Nascar Technical Institute and work on race cars, maybe even drive one one day. I know what I'm doing, It's just been 7 years and 2 kids since I've done this. I do have 2 years of auto mechanic training. Sorry if this is a stupid question. My book for my car isn't here and my brakes went out so I can't go get it. I know what I'm doing, I just need a little reminder on HOW, PLEASE?!?How do I change rotors on my 2000 mustang?
Im guessing you removed the caliper and left the bracket in place? And now your trying to get the bracket off? Most likely you wont be able to do it with just a 1/2 in drive, your going to need a bar to put on the end to get more leverage(breaker bar) I had to use it on my a couple months ago. I think the drivers side you push the bar down(towards the ground) and passenger your push up(towards the top).How do I change rotors on my 2000 mustang?
Take the nuts off the wheels. Remove the tires. ratchet and socket and remove bolt from back of caliper on both sides slide up and off. The brake pads slide right out on both sides. and then pull rotor straight towards you and off. Reverse process to put back on.How do I change rotors on my 2000 mustang?
Mike is right, 1/2 will work just use what is called a cheater bar! It's 2' pipe about 30-40%26quot; long slip over the ratchet/breakerbar, and pry away. It will make the job so easy, it's leverage!How do I change rotors on my 2000 mustang?
Every rotor I have ever replaced was just slipped on over the lugs, and didn't require removing any bolts (after you take off the calipers of course).

If yours are bolted on, then you might want to get some rust buster and spray it on the bolts. Let it soak in really good, and then try popping them loose again.

Good luck - and I think it's awesome that you are a girl who wants to work on cars!!