i dont know much about cars, and if someone could possibly tell me how to on my 62 galaxie. i dont live near any mechanics and i can learn by startin with this. i was able to drive this old ford for about 5 days straight before it stubbornly refused to start. i already changed the spark plugs and wires.
i drive this car everyday and im not givin up yet, these problems dont discourage meHow do i change the rotors, condenser and coil on my car?
well you have a points style ignition and it sounds like the points need resetting, i can't go in to it but you should go and pick up an old repair manual for your car it will give you the instructions you need to do this.How do i change the rotors, condenser and coil on my car?
A repair job on anything at all should always begin with checking the very simplest and most obvious things first. The very first thing I would check is the battery. Turn the headlights on for about a minute at night and watch to see if they start fading. If they do, then you have a weak battery that may need a charge or replacement. If they stay bright, go on to the next thing, which would be the ignition.
When you first turn the key, does it make any sound at all. If it makes a repeated clicking noise, that means that the ignition is passing electricity through to the starter alright, but the starter isn't turning over to catch.
So, the problem MAY be with your starter, or with the starter solenoid. Take the starter out and take it to a shop to have it checked. If it's o.k., put it back in.
Then the problem MAY be with the voltage regulator, the coil, or the distributor. All three of those have something to do with regulating electricity. These are fairly cheap-if you can find replacement parts for such an old car.
If you discover that the problem in in the distributor, those parts should be cheap and easy find. You will need to replace everything in the distributor, such as the points, the rotor and the distributor cap itself, If you get new points, be sure to ask for the correct gap setting for them at the store. No more room to write.How do i change the rotors, condenser and coil on my car?
it only has 1 rotor which you just lift up on it and put the other 1 on the same way. as for the condenser your better off to change the points too. the condenser hooks to the points, probably with a little nut and it has a screw to hold it down. as for the coil, you have a long screw, loosen it and take the 2 wires off and the coil will pull straight out but remember the + is the ignition on the coil and the - goes to the distributor.How do i change the rotors, condenser and coil on my car?
Country boy, You need to remove the distributor cap and focus on the points. They open and close by the shaft seen inside. The best thing to do is ask around to see if you can convert the distributor to an electronic one. This NEVER needs points or any adjustments. It depends on the engine size and other factors. You will get better power and MPG's if you do this. The coil can then be updated to a more powerful unit!! WHat engine size is this???