Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How much does it cost to change the caliper on a 1999 acord?

i brought in my car after hearing a grinding noise coming from my rear passanger wheel for about a week. they told me the calipers were grinded and needed to be changed. they said that since the calipers on my accord alos deal with the emergency brakes that it costs more to change them. changing the caiper, rotor and break pad. it is going to cost me about $550 to fix this. is this right or am i getting ripped off, i dont know anything about cars and feel that this is soooo expensive, should i get a second opinion?How much does it cost to change the caliper on a 1999 acord?
Rear calipers are $58.59 each:

Rear disc $142.43:

Pads (rear, left and right, in a set): $27.14

Brake Hardware Kit: $7.69

Brake Pad Shim kit: $8.63

So, $244.48 (plus shipping) for non-Honda OEM grade replacement parts, plus 2 hours labor and shop charges (rags, brake fluid, shop consumables), should be about $400.00 to $450.00.

$550.00 with Genuine Honda parts wouldn't surprise me, as they are generally a little more expensive than OEM aftermarket parts.

You should generally repair brakes on both sides of an axle (front or rear) at the same time, however. Trying to cheap this out, if the other side is already worn, can wind up costing you more.

The shame is, had you replaced the pads when they were worn, you wouldn't have needed the caliper or the disc rotor, which are the expensive parts. You could have replaced pads on all 4 wheels, and had your rotors machined true if they needed it, for $100.00.How much does it cost to change the caliper on a 1999 acord?
YES! get a second estimate..What harm could it do? you might hurt the 1st mechanics feelings. Rotors yes, caliper? I'd need more info.