don't forget plug wires.. and pull the trouble codes..How do you change the distributor cap and rotor on a regular 2001 ford mustang v6?
You don't change them. It is a distributorless ignition system.
Try changing the fuel filter and air filter too.How do you change the distributor cap and rotor on a regular 2001 ford mustang v6?
Did you replace the plugs with a double platinum or did you do the el cheapo and buy the 99 cent autolite plug? Also do you have a flashing check engine light? If you have a check engine light on please advise what code you are getting. Most folks I know put a standard plug in and thats what causes the problems. If no CEL is flashing on you it is not the wires or coil pack. Spark plugs I recommend are an autolite app-105 or the OE motorcraft AGSF-42FM. You can also go to, or which ever national parts chain you prefer to use and verfy this info. I do not recommend those crazy bosch plug with 4 tips and all that junk.How do you change the distributor cap and rotor on a regular 2001 ford mustang v6?
You don't have a distributor on this car - it is a distributor-less ignition system. Here's a link explaining how they work:
If your car is jerking when you accelerate uphill, it may not be an ignition system problem. Have the car checked out by a shop.